This is indeed a very long post. But I advice you to read completely from top
to bottom, I promise you that it would be an interesting reading. To generate
curiosity (interest) first read messages form 68 to 76 with background and or
1. Message posted on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 12:50pm UTC+05:30 on
“This message is from "most eligible bachelor" to "sab se bada gunda". All
others please ignore it."sab se bada gunda",I know you are looking for
feedback.So, here it is.I am enjoying your hospitality at "resort".But, I am
looking for permanent solution of this deadlock. So, I suggest honest and
serious steps from your side. I have left you with no option, I will marry with
girl of my choice at right time.I am getting old but I am not desperate. I won't
move to USA or for that reason any other country unless there is permanent
settlement of outstanding issues.I suggest one to one talk with head of your
organization at my residence at Ranchi.Be prepared for division of "assets" what
we are fighting for.But before any such talk I need to discuss it face-to-face
with my well-wishers . I am providing you list of people who I want to discuss
it. You will have to arrange their visit to Ranchi. They are Nishant Kumar, Alok
Sharma, Rachna Sharma, Mrityunjay Jha, Upendra Sinha, Dr Sugiti Sinha, Reena
Varghese (sharma), Kishori Sharan,Wen Shang,Chirag Patel and Anil Jaglan.I know
you are trying to suffocate me financially, so all your activity in this
direction has to stop.I am also suggesting three steps from your side as
confidence building measure.First, Provide Wi-Fi access at "resort", Second, fix
my diagnosis and declare me fully fit and third, within a month return my and
fathers money with interest you taken using Brajesh.Its my life and I will lead
the way I want. I will chose whom to talk and whom to ignore.I won't accept your
intervention in this regard.I have not surrendered its, only ceasefire.I am
looking forward to resolve this issue as soon as possible.There is no use in
fighting when you know you can't leverage my support system anymore. So, No
tricks This time. Best wishes.”
Background : I was previously hospitalized to CIP Ranchi
then subsequently to NIMHANS Bangalore. In NIMHANS doctors gave me a deal that I
would cooperate and in return they changed diagnosis from “Schizophrenia” to
“Persistent Delusional Disorder” and stopped all medication.So I thought CIA
wanted to negotiate so I wrote this message.
2. Message posted on FB Friday, September 23, 2016 at 12:20pm
“I am pissed.No more games, you are warned.”
Background : After my previous message they started playing
3. Message posted on FB Saturday, September 24, 2016 at 12:12pm UTC+05:30
“I can understand that Its hard for you to swallow the fact that your options
are exhausted. Just Chill! You have infinite resources but you lack
intelligence.I understand your capabilities, while you are still trying to learn
mine.I gave a serious proposal to solve the deadlock, but you still want to play
games.Its your choice,I can continue playing games for my lifetime. as well.If
you think only you can manipulate, you are mistaken.Good Luck.”
Note : After this message they started bullying me and
intimidating me.It was clear this message hot hard on them.To make their life
difficult I also changed profile picture to “dancing anjan”
4. Message posted on FB Monday, October 3, 2016 at 12:23pm UTC+05:30
“यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत। अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं
सृजाम्यहम्, परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्। धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि
युगे युगे!”
Background : This is famous lines from Bhagwat Gita.Where
Lord Krishna said it to Arjuna.The simple translation of the verse is “Whenever
there is decline of righteousness, O Arjuna, and rise of unrighteousness, then I
manifest Myself.”
5. Message posted on FB Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 7:03pm UTC+05:30
“Back to home after 3 months. What did I miss?”
Note : Spent 3 months in CIP and NIMHANS combined. Message
was posted after reaching home in Ranchi.
5. Message posted on FB Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 6:17am UTC+05:30
“जिन्दगी को बहुत प्यार हम ने किया मौत से भी मोहब्बत निभायेंगे हम रोते रोते
जमाने में आये मगर हंसते हंसते जमाने से जायेंगे हम.”
Background : This is couple of lines from a famous Hindi
song.It means I loved the life a lot, I will embrace death with smile.
6. Message posted on FB Friday, October 28, 2016 at 6:10am UTC+05:30
“Value of assets of Vigour Solutions Incorporated is significant or
comparable to India's GDP.May be in Trillion.More than 3 Billion has been spent
by them to buy people and entities.”
7. Message posted on FB Friday, October 28, 2016 at 5:36pm UTC+05:30
“Most likely, assets of Vigour Solutions Inc are patents.”
NOTE : Message 6 and 7 combine was like atom bomb explosion on CIA,
Obama, Hillary and Narendra Modi.Estimate of 3 billion USD was so accurate that
conspirators were dumbfounded. After that they tried to bully me. One of guy
from my friend list was used and he posted a message on his FB wall that was
available on my FB timeline. I don’t remember complete message but it was
something like this.
“You (anjan) are involved in intellectual property theft.You are involve is
wire tapping and hacking. Law enforcement agency of India is after you.Law
enforcement agency of USA is after you.I (CIA) is after you. Have a sleepless
8. Message posted on FB Friday, October 28, 2016 at 6:41pm UTC+05:30
“They don't stand a chance until they figure out "internet activists" who are
helping me.With all the capability they have, they won't be able to find out
them in next 20 years. I need less than 2 years to collect facts and
figures.They have no idea how we communicated.”
Background : Conspirators were trying to reach anyone and
everyone who knew me and pay them handsomely. In past a few “internet
activists” had hacked a forum showing solidarity with me.My message to
conspirators were they can never reach every one until they figure out “internet
9. Message posted on FB Friday, October 28, 2016 at 7:39pm UTC+05:30
“In best interest of humanity, common man in a society should be
materialistic and afraid of God.This is necessary for continued progress of
human race.”
Note : After profound posts I switched to my idea of world
in general and India in particular.
10. Message posted on FB Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 3:09am UTC+05:30
“Thought of the day : If you have power, never misuse it. Good Morning.”
11. Message posted on FB Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 5:49am UTC+05:30
“In future, all software product, search engines, OS or whatever it is, it
should be open source.Until, this happens,my choice of search engine is
duckduckgo.This is necessary to prevent misuse of power.”
Background : A few big search engines were modified for
terms like “anjan bhushan”,”anjan bhushan domains”.
12. Message posted on FB Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 7:49am UTC+05:30
“There is GOD. Teachings of Bhagwat Geeta is words of God.No religion is
perfect. But whatever available choice we have, Sanatan Dharma is the best
available choice we have. Because its not religion, its way of life.”
13. Message posted on FB Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 9:05am UTC+05:30
“I don't know all languages but whatever I know about languages Sanskrit is
most structured language available. So, future generations should be encouraged
to learn Sanskrit. So that whole world may speak in one language. It will solve
language problem of the world.”
14. Message poste don FB Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 10:21am UTC+05:30
“Democracy is best choice for type of government available. Because it is
self-cleaning and self-correcting in nature. Among all world power of today
China doesn't have democracy. We will have to find a way to change it. Once that
happens rest of the countries of the world which are non democratic will
15. Message posted on FB Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 1:54pm UTC+05:30
“Many people have inferiority complex,but some people have superiority
complex. If studying in IIM and having a website of your venture in Wordpress
makes you arrogant you are good for nothing.Having a photo session with PM and
CM doesn't show that you have talent, it can be managed as well. One of such guy
was in my friend list, I blocked him. He was mentally bankrupt and had verbal
diarrhea as well. He had created many Bihar, Jharkhand group and had posts
having no substance. One of my past colleague Prasanna also had superiority
complex, that's why I hated him. Such people in society should be discouraged at
all cost.”
Background : There was a guy in my friend list,I asked some
questions and he replied like arrogant guy.Previously he has posted managed
photo with PM Modi and CM Raghubar Das.I blocked him.Also one of the well wisher
advised two things after this post.He asked me why I allow politicians to work
against me (anjan). He further suggested that I should not take names because I
have no idea how many lurker are reading my posts.
16. Message posted on FB Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 1:57pm UTC+05:30
“Intelligence agencies of respective countries should be accountable to their
parliaments. They have too much capability and power without accountability.
This is necessary to prevent misuse of power.”
17. Message posted on FB Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 2:27pm UTC+05:30
“The biggest problem of Bihar and Jharkhand is that society is deeply divided
along caste lines. Caste is a reality in India but there should be some
mechanism to abolish is with time. Like, government should have some incentive
for couples who do inter caste marriage.There can be many other way by which
caste line can be diminished with time, which I will propose later.”
18.Message posted on FB Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 5:36pm UTC+05:30
“State controlled media should be free, independent and reliable. There
should be some mechanism to ensure it.Government should only care about
financial aspect of it.BBC is a good example of that but we need something
better. This will also ensure that state media will be able to compete with
private media.”
19.Message posted on FB Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 5:43pm UTC+05:30
“People and entities with superiority complex should get it cured before it
becomes cancer from them!”
Note : This was message to all conspirators in general and
CIA in particular.
20.Message posted on FB Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 6:13pm UTC+05:30
“Indian society should be more tolerant about "Public display of affection"
it may be movie or in public. Its human nature to seek intimacy. what the fuss
about this news.”
21. Message posted on FB, Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 9:20pm UTC+05:30
“School education should be free around the world, so that everyone has
access to it. Also, it should be basic right of every human being. Medium of
instruction of school education should be primary language spoken in home, if
possible mother tongue. Because, everyone should learn basis concept of math and that people don't struggle with alien language while learning
concepts of math and science. Any language can be learned at any stage of life,
if needed.”
22. Message posted on FB,Sunday, October 30, 2016 at 5:57am UTC+05:30
“Major population of India is dependent on Agriculture.But agriculture in
India is broken. At some point of time, India's economy will shift to
manufacturing and knowledge based economy.Even then, we must fix agriculture.The
biggest problem in Agriculture is that land is divided in small pieces.
Government in all states should take initiative to consolidate land in bigger
size. So, that modern technology can be applied for farming.There can be many
other solution to improve health of Agriculture in India in general. Which I
will propose later.”
23.Message posted on FB Sunday, October 30, 2016 at 10:24am UTC+05:30
“Between Capitalism and and Socialism. Capitalism is obviously a better
choice than Socialism. There should be reward linked with individuals who have
talent and contribute to progress of society and world.It also ensures that
human being continuously strive for more knowledge. This creates healthy
competition in society and only excellence is rewarded. In Socialism, there is
no reward for effort. All human being are not born equal, Socialism doesn't make
a distinction between them.It creates nepotism in society. More on this topic
24. Message posted on FB Sunday, October 30, 2016 at 6:20pm UTC+05:30
“Reservation in government jobs in India needs overhaul. Reservation should
continue till social equality is achieved. However,there should be reservation
available to one generation only, if anyone takes benefit of reservation
subsequent generations should not get benefit of reservation. There should be no
reservation in promotion.We should also have significant quota for people who do
inter caste marriage, because indirectly it also contributes to the cause.Total
quota of reservation should not exceed 50% of total positions. Also, reservation
policy should be reviewed after every 10 years.”
25. Message posted on FB Monday, October 31, 2016 at 3:52am UTC+05:30
“I wrote my first poem when I was in class 3rd, shown it to mom.She started
crying and said - "what you want to be a journalist,they struggle for their
lively hood, give me word you will never write poems again". I stopped writing
poems for few years and then secretly wrote poems afterwards. :-)”
Note : I started talking about my life and upbringing.
26. Message posted on FB Monday, October 31, 2016 at 11:46am UTC+05:30
“मृतकों से पटी हुई भू है,पहचान, कहाँ इसमें तू है। 'अम्बर में कुन्तल-जाल
देख,पद के नीचे पाताल देख, मुट्ठी में तीनों काल देख,मेरा स्वरूप विकराल देख। सब
जन्म मुझी से पाते हैं,फिर लौट मुझी में आते हैं। 'जिह्वा से कढ़ती ज्वाल
सघन,साँसों में पाता जन्म पवन, पड़ जाती मेरी दृष्टि जिधर,हँसने लगती है सृष्टि
उधर! मैं जभी मूँदता हूँ लोचन,छा जाता चारों ओर मरण। 'बाँधने मुझे तो आया है,जंजीर
बड़ी क्या लाया है? यदि मुझे बाँधना चाहे मन,पहले तो बाँध अनन्त गगन। सूने को साध न
सकता है,वह मुझे बाँध कब सकता है? 'हित-वचन नहीं तूने माना,मैत्री का मूल्य न
पहचाना, तो ले, मैं भी अब जाता हूँ,अन्तिम संकल्प सुनाता हूँ। याचना नहीं, अब रण
होगा,जीवन-जय या कि मरण होगा। 'टकरायेंगे नक्षत्र-निकर,बरसेगी भू पर वह्नि प्रखर,
फण शेषनाग का डोलेगा,विकराल काल मुँह खोलेगा। दुर्योधन! रण ऐसा होगा,फिर कभी नहीं
जैसा होगा। 'भाई पर भाई टूटेंगे,विष-बाण बूँद-से छूटेंगे, वायस-श्रृगाल सुख
लूटेंगे,सौभाग्य मनुज के फूटेंगे। आखिर तू भूशायी होगा,हिंसा का पर, दायी होगा।'
-रश्मिरथी / तृतीय सर्ग / भाग 4
BACKGROUND : The lines are taken from Rashmi Rathi.In
Mahabharata, Lord Krishna went to Kauravas for peace proposal. But arrogant
Duryodhana tried to tie Krishna itself. Then Krishna showed his monstrous form
and said mocked Duryodhana by saying “tie me sure, but do you have this big of a
rope”.Why I posted this is because conspirators (CIA,Modo,Hillary and Obama”
where trying to reach everyone and anyone who knows be from birth. This attempt
was same as trying to tie Lord Krishna by rope.
27. Message posted on FB Monday, October 31, 2016 at 3:16pm UTC+05:30
“दो न्याय अगर तो आधा दो, पर, इसमें भी यदि बाधा हो, तो दे दो केवल पाँच ग्राम,
रक्खो अपनी धरती तमाम। हम वहीं खुशी से खायेंगे, परिजन पर असि न उठायेंगे! दुर्योधन
वह भी दे ना सका, आशीष समाज की ले न सका, उलटे, हरि को बाँधने चला, जो था असाध्य,
साधने चला। जब नाश मनुज पर छाता है, पहले विवेक मर जाता है।”
BACKGROUND : Lord Krishna said to Duryadhana that as per law
Pandvas should get half of kingdom, but if that was not possible, gave them 5
villages. Which Kauravas refused. My case was similar, In 2011, I did propose
CIA to give me 23% for my friends, family and myself.Which they refused
28 Message posted on FB Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 6:16am UTC+05:30
“My first guru Sahdeo Mandal use to say, Mahabharata did happen but many
events and facts has been modified or exaggerated with time. So, he gave me Arya
Samaj Version of Mahabharata. Which I read when I was in class 3.”
29. Message posted on FB Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 6:20am UTC+05:30
“Other gurus which I had in life besides Sahdeo Mandal are Mrs Sushma Sinha,
Mahto Sir, Nishant Kumar,Kishori Saran and Chirag Patel.I am indebted to
30.Message posted on FB Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 9:20am UTC+05:30
“My parents made me independent and responsible from childhood,I learned
riding Hero cycle in class 3, started riding Bajaj scooter while I was in class
6 and father encouraged me to learn driving when I was in class 10. It was
second hand Padmini(fiat) car. I was given responsibility to buy vegetables from
market when I was in class 3. I use to go to market by my Hero cycle and used to
buy vegetables.”
Note : still talking about my life and upbringing
31. Message posted on FB Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 9:29am UTC+05:30
“I never used to ask for money even if I needed. My parents realized that
they decided to hand-over key of Almirah in which money was kept to me in when I
was in class 3.Mom said,"You don't have to explain why you need money, just tell
us how much you have taken". I am sure they might have monitored me initially, I
also never misused money and only taken the amount I needed. My needs where
small, so Parents never asked me why I did take money from Almirah.”
32.Message posted on FB Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 11:02am UTC+05:30
“When I was teenager I used to read two magazines every month, first was सुमन
सौरभ and second was विज्ञानं प्रगति.I used to write poems secretly and never
published them until few years back when I posted some of them on on my Hindi
blog. The reason I never published them because mom didn't like it. My first
creation that was published was a riddle in सुमन सौरभ and won first prize.It was
published when I was in class 6. The riddle was - "ऐसी कौन सी चीज़ है जिसको जितना
काटो वो उतना हीं बड़ा होता जाता है?" Answer was "गड्ढा".”
33.Message posted on FB Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 11:19am UTC+05:30
“My first stage experience was in class 6, when I wrote, directed and acted
(with few other actors as well) a play in school days. Play was highly
appreciated by audience.”
34.Message posted on FB Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 5:28pm UTC+05:30
“After Intermediate of Science I wanted to pursue career in Physics. But it
was mom's desire that I should pursue Engineering. I never liked engineering. In
BIT days, I only studied so much that I secure distinction. Rest of the time was
devoted in College Magazine,Rastrabhasa Parisad, extracocurricular activities
and campus politics. Extracocurricular activities included quiz, extempore,
acting,creative writing,fancy dress competition and dancing on stage. In Roorkee
days, only studied that much so that I didn't lose scholarship.Rest of the time
was devoted in preparation of IES.Which I missed my 10 marks in 1st
Note :talking about life continues
35.Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 5:47am UTC+05:30
“I originally belong from Tetrawan village of Nalanda district of Bihar.
Which falls under ancient Magadh region. Magadh has rich history. Chandragupta
was from Magadh so was king Ashok. Nalanda university was center of excellence
of knowledge, which was burnt by Bakhtiyar Khilji.”
36.Message posted on FB, Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 7:41am UTC+05:30
“Litti alongwith chokha is a complete meal originated and popular in Indian
state of Bihar and Nepalese state of Madhesh; is a dough ball made up of whole
wheat flour and stuffed with Sattu (roasted chickpea flour) mixed with herbs and
spices and then roasted over coal or cow dung cakes or wood then it is tossed
with lots of ghee . My company
name is inspired by this word and will rock the world after two years. :-)”
37.Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 8:06am UTC+05:30
“During I.Sc. days my Physics was excellent, Math was decent and I sucked in
chemistry big time. I remember I bought guess paper to clear final Chemistry
38.Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 9:54am UTC+05:30
“My Native village Tetrawan is a village located in Nalanda District of Bihar
in India. Tetrawan is situated about 12 kilometers south-east of Nalanda
district headquarter, Bihar-sharif.Geographical co-ordinates of Tetrawan are 25°
8' 0" North , 85° 35' 0" East.It has rich heritage of Buddhist culture.Site
created by father”
39. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 10:53am UTC+05:30
“My skill in Sanskrit was pretty good when I reached class 9. In class 9 and
10, I used to communicate to my Sanskrit teacher Mahto sir, in Sanskrit. With
time, lost the skill significantly.”
40. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 1:05pm UTC+05:30
“My English started with class 6 and it was not good.In class 6, teacher
asked me to translate "वर्षा हो रही है" in English.I said "Rain is raining".I
was wrong and was punished. He explained correct translation is "It Rains.".With
each passing year it improved slowly.In class 10, I worked on it and built
vocabulary significantly.But, even now I am still trying to improve my
41. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 1:13pm UTC+05:30
“Father Arjun Prasad was in Bihar Government and transferable job so I
attended a lot of school. My first school was St Josheph Patna.Where I studied
in KG and UKG.In UKG I secured 3rd position. From class 1 to class 4 I studied
in Marwari School, Ghatshila.I attended Rajkiya Madhya, Vidalaya,Hinoo
Basti,Hinoo in class 5. Class 6 was from Hinoo United,Hinoo.From class 7 to
class 10,I studied in Don Bosco,Hesag,Hatia. From class 1 to class 10 I didn't
face any competition and always secured 1st position.First time, I faced
competition was in at St. Xaivers college. In first class test in physics
my rank was after more than 350 students.It was mainly due to moving from Hindi
medium to English medium. I worked hard and my final rank in St. Xaviers was 3rd
in final exams and 20th overall”
42. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 2:25pm UTC+05:30
“My first teacher was Sahdeo Mandal as I said before. My second teacher was
Mrs. Sushma Sinha mam. She was my teacher during Don Bosco days.She was my
history teacher and class teacher. She made me monitor of the class and inspired
me to study history of India and World beyond syllabus.”
43. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 2:39pm UTC+05:30
“My third teacher of Mahto sir.He was my Sanskrit teacher in Don Bosco. He
inspired me to learn Sanskrit beyond syllabus. He guided me and helped me in
mastering Sanskrit.It was his effort which made it possible that I was able to
communicate with him in Sanskrit in 9th and 10th.”
44. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 2:46pm UTC+05:30
“My fourth teacher was my batch mate and dear friend Nishant Kumar. He was my
batch mate in IIT Roorkee. I have taken a programming project in M.E during
Roorkee. It was in Turbo C on DOS 6.He introduced me to mouse API on DOS. He
also helped me coping with my personal setback at that time. Else I was a broken
man after unsuccessful attempt to runaway with my first GF. I started devoting
more and more time on computers was digitally intoxicated. My digital
intoxication continues till date.”
45.Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 2:54pm UTC+05:30
“My fifth teacher was Kishori Sharan, although he was my senior at BIT
Sindri.I met him in Tata Infotech. He also use to live in Jia Sarai. He
introduced me to client-server technology in general and Powerbuilder in
particular.It was his teaching which helped me in mastering Powerbuilder PFC. I
got good score in Powerbuilder Certification.”
46.Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 2:59pm UTC+05:30
“My sixth teacher was Chirag Patel. He was my collegue at Apogee Networks
(Evident Software). I learned about probes and networking from him. I also
learned about configuring Cisco routers from him. In long association I learned
many technology from him.”
47.Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 3:20pm UTC+05:30
“My career started at Tata Infotech. For first six months we were given
intensive training. We had courses in C, Unix, Shell Scripting, Data structure,
Relational Database,Networking and many more subjects. First project was as
developer in Fortran on Unisys Mainframe. I hated Mainframe and wanted to work
in open technology.So side my side me and my teammate Alok Kumar started
learning Java.When teammate Vikas returned from USA.He said Mahesh(
had built a website and it was a hit among Indian Diaspora in
USA. He, Alok and me contributed equally and bought first domain We
wanted to build a ecommerce site in Java. But soon we moved to different
geographical locations and project never started. But it was my introduction to
domain names. Working on mainframe gave me opportunity for six month assignment
in IL,USA. It was a United Airlines Project.When completion was near, I
abandoned Tata Infotech and accepted a testing position in AT&T as
contractor.Although, I knew Powerbuilder and was learning Java accepted testing
position as I was in hurry to leave close system and work in open system. As a
tester I used to just find bugs and started suggesting fix for the bug as
project was in Java and I was familiar with that. It hurt development manager
ego and my manager Piyush Anoop Doshi asked me to stop it.But Piyush Anoop Doshi
got impressed with my skill.Project only lasted for a month or so whole project
was scrapped and whole team was laid off including Piyush Anoop Doshi.”
48. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 3:37pm UTC+05:30
“When Piyush Anoop Doshi joined Apogee Networks, he hired me because he knew
me and was impressed with me. Working in Apogee Networks (Evident Software) was
a blessing in disguise for me. I learned a lot of technology in Evident days. I
learned System Administration of Windows Server, many flavors of Linux, Sun
Solaris. I also learned Database administration of DB2, Oracle and Micorosoft
SQL Server. It gave me opportunity to learn about sniffers, probes and routers.
Learned administration and use of Apache, Tomcat and Websphere application
server. Product also used Crystal report and used Crystal Enterprise for reports
publishing. I configured Crystal Enterprise on Windows, Linux and Solaris with
different flavor databases. It was my achievement that I configured Crystal
Enterprise on Solaris with OCI driver.For use of project we needed test setup of
Micorosoft Exchange. So learned Active Directory and configured Micorosoft
Exchange for test lab. Our production Exchange server got corrupted and system
Administrator was fired. I was given task for disaster recovery of production
Exchange Server. I successfully completed it in 4 days and recovered more than
99% of emails. I also widely used Shell Scripting and Vbscripting for different
task. Used and administered MQ Series. Used and learned many other things during
more than 6 year association with Apogee Networks (Evident Software).”
49. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 3:43pm UTC+05:30
“While working in Evident my digital intoxication continued and at home
started buying and selling domains. Automated Internet Explorer and wrote a
VBscript on WSH to catch .com domains before it became a Structured Industry.
Caught many 3 Letters domains and Vigour dot com. Also, learned PHP and Mysql
and used Xoops, Joomla, Wordpress and created numerous amateur looking
websites.In NJ even at home I had 5 computers and I had a computer lab at
At that time FB has banned all my name so to
bypass their filter I did use vigour do com instead of
50. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 6:26pm UTC+05:30
“In Apogee Networks, initially I was hired as contractor. After six months or
so based on performance I was hired full time and given stock options. Soon I
received Product Value Award and received 500 vested stocks as reward.”
51. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 6:31pm UTC+05:30
“While I was working in Apogee I decided to register my own firm and
registered Vigour Solutions Inc in 2002,in NJ. I choose the name because I had
Vigour dot com. I wanted to start a company who specializes in Open Source
Solutions. I needed investment but didn't know any investor.So planed to fund it
from personal savings, domain income and websites incomes. By July 2005, I had
more than 100 K cash in my account. But that was not enough to start the venture
I was looking for 500 K or more. So, in 2005 I closed Vigour Solutions Inc.”
52. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 6:47pm UTC+05:30
“In 2006, a adult website bollywoodnationxxx dot com expired.I caught it and
parked at Sedo. It was generating some revenue. In 2006, another big adult
website nangabollywood dot com expired and domain was caught by Snapnames. Based
on Alexa rank of bollywoodnationxxx dot com and nangabollywood dot com, I
estimated traffic. I did bid for nangabollywood dot com and was the highest
bidder. Bid price was around 23k. I requested Snapnames to not disclose it to
domain world. As I didn't want to be known as adult domain name investor. I
parked the domain at Sedo. Domain was generating more than 100 USD per day. It
was significant and I decided to leave USA return India and pursue domaining
full time.I told that to colleague Mike Lee. After that, some one tried to put
buyingusedcar dot net in my GoDaddy account and fabricate me in domain theft.
Subsequent events made me to run away from USA.While I returned India I was
still making more than 100 USD/day from nangabollywood dot com. At some point in
time Google who is primary upstream ad provider at Sedo had a policy change and
banned adult domains from domain parking and revenue of nangabollywood dot com
declined significantly as it became dependent on secondary upstream provider
which is not as good as Google. Even by that time I made more than 35 K from
nangabollywood dot com.which was not bad for 23 K investment.”
53. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 7:00pm UTC+05:30
“In childhood, I was very shy guy.My two cousins were studying at St. Joseph
Patna.It was primarily a girls school and boys were allowed till class 2. My
uncle took me to St. Joseph for admission.Principle mother asked me "तुम्हारा
नाम क्या है?" I didn't reply.She again asked. "अपना नाम जानते हो?" I nodded in
affirmative.She said "तो बताओ." I didn't reply. She asked, "पापा का नाम क्या
है?" I didn't reply. She asked again "पापा का नाम जानते हो?" I nodded in
affirmative. "तो बताओ" i didn't reply. She said. "ये बगुले की तरह सर हिलाता
है,बोलता कुछ नहीं है.इसको ले के क्या करेंगे." Uncle requested her to admit in KG
and family would work on me.I was admitted. My cousin Chitra Sinha who was
studying in UKG I was allowed to sit with me in KG and guided me for 2 months or
54. Message posted on FB Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 9:01pm UTC+05:30
“I try to learn at least one new thing everyday, my hunger for knowledge will
never die. या देवी सर्वभूतेषु विद्या रुपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै
नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥ Retiring for the day,Good night.”
55.Message posted on FB Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 2:58am UTC+05:30
“The first girl I liked was studying in Electrical in BIT days.But she had
already started loving a sportsman. so it didn't work out.Still, we are
friends.Second girl I liked was my first GF. She was studying Computer Science
and was very beautiful.She was also very simple.The thing I liked most about her
was that she didn't us make up. We couldn't marry because we were from different
sub-caste and her father wanted to marry her in her own sub-caste. I also tried
to runaway with her as she had indicated when we met last time in Ranchi at her
brother,s place.She changed her mind when we actually reached her home.It was a
perfect plan, police was managed,arya samaj madir was managed in Delhi. It
didn't work out as she changed her mind.”
Note : Since I am “most eligible bachelor” so I did start talking about my
love life.
56. Note : I did post something about Second girl in my life and my first GF,
but it looks like someone has deleted that post.
57. Message posted on FB Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 3:08am UTC+05:30
“The third girl I liked was a girl I met in Tata Infotech. She was Punjabi.
Meaning of her name was "beautiful eyes", she also used to ride same company bus
as me. When first time no one was sitting besides her in bus, I sat. Asked her
"do you know meaning of word 'anjan'? She replied no. I said "I means काजल".I
further said "How eyes can be beautiful without anjan,You are incomplete without
me." We had a intelligent chat. She was very beautiful and intelligent. A sardar
always used to escort her where ever she go.So I was not getting second
opportunity to had a conversation with her.So, I proposed her via company email,
she declined my proposal politely.We still are friends.”
58.Message posted on FB Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 3:11am UTC+05:3
“The fourth girl I liked was also in Tata Infotech. I needed more time to
understand her and someone else proposed her before me. She accepted his
proposal and they got married. We still are friends.”
59.Message posted on FB Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 3:47am UTC+05:30
“When I moved to NJ,I didn't have social life. First, I wanted to sister get
married. After mom's death things changed and I decided to socialize. The fifth
girl whom I liked was in NJ. I posted a creative ad on website She
found it interesting and intelligent. She was so impressed with Ad that she
couldn't reisist and she called on my mobile within one hour of ad post instead
of first contacting via email. She was a Sindhi.We met next day. She was more
beautiful than my first GF and very simple like my first GF. I thought she would
be perfect replacement of my first GF. She had a prejudice that south Indians
are more intelligent. When we met based on my skin color she asked if I was a
south Indian.When I replied I am Bihari,she didn't know about Bihar. She was
from Mumbai.I consider her as my second GF although friendship lasted for less
than a month. When they asked her to break friendship,In evening she called. No
one was at home and I asked her to visit my place. That evening I wanted to
propose her and beg to marry me. I didn't want to lose time as in past someone
else proposed the girl I liked before me.But she replied "You can't order me you
have to request me" and cut the phone. She started avoiding me and taking my
calls. One of the reason she gave for breaking the friendship was "Product is
not as good as advertisement". I was very hurt by "breakup" and wanted to take
revenge and moved another girl as my roommate even though I never loved
60. Message posted on FB Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 7:00am UTC+05:30
“The sixth girl I liked was from from social yahoo group NJNYDESIS. She was a
Keralite. She was a good dancer so was I. We used to dance in parties.Both of us
enjoyed dancing. She was beautiful and simple.Even she had soft corner for
me.When they asked her to to avoid contacting me she was trying to help me.But
she couldn't as once I had said in group that I trust nobody blindly.She moved
to Mumbai and got married.”
61. Message posted on FB Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 7:29am UTC+05:30
“The 7th girl whom I liked was my colleague at Ismart Panche. She was also my
cab mate.She was Punjabi. She was beautiful and simple. Although, I liked her
secretly I never disclosed it to her and never encouraged her and avoided
talking to her in Ismart-panache days.When she used to sit at back sit I used to
sit at front sit.Because I didn't want to complicate matter at work place.After
I was divorced both of us had quit Ismart-Panche. She was in Pune at that time.
She had her phone number in her FB profile. I called her. She asked me how I got
her number, I told that I got it from FB. After that,she changed her number. I
sent numerous email to her,which she read but didn't reply. I know that because
to verify that I sent a online greetings card and got read receipt. She also
admired me secretly and was told to not talk to me because she was a weak
62. Message posted on FB Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 7:35am UTC+05:30
“I never told "I Love You." to any person I liked or loved in life. Instead,
I communicated in symbols and actions.I also had some means to verify that other
person liked or loved me. Even I checked mom periodically that she loved me or
not, which is reflected in my poem.”
63. Message posted on FB Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 9:19am UTC+05:30
“It is story from BIT Sindri. Session of BIT was late for more than 2
decades.Director I. D. P. Singh wanted to take corrective action and decided for
final year exams on time, even if courses were not completed. Mechanical HOD
Rameshwari Prasad was a influential voice in board and he first wanted courses
to be completed. Students of Mechanical had great respect for their HOD and they
started a signature campaign that first courses should be completed and exams
should be postponed. My brilliant classmate Kumar Uday Krishna came to me and
asked "what you want? I replied in one word "Exams".He said lets go and meet
director. We reached director chamber in evening. Uday said to director "Sir, we
want exams".Director I.D.P Singh replied "Even I want exams but students are
running signature campaign.".Uday Replied "Sir, even we can run signature
campaign." We returned to hostel and planned signature campaign. We talked
leader of students from every branch and left Mechanical hostel and convinced
them that exams are in greater interest of batch. Metallurgy already had
application and signature ready that they didn't want exam. My good friends
Anish and Kundan were running campaign in Metallurgy. We convinced them to
change the application that they want exams and left signatures intact. Within 2
hours we had applications from every department that they want exams except
Mechanical. In morning we handed over applications and signatures to Director
I.D.P Singh. In next meeting,Rameshwari Prasad was told that since all branches
want exams it will be on schedule if he wanted exams of Mechanical will be
postponed. Finally, Rameshwari Prasad changed mind and exams happened on time.
After that,session got corrected and exams happens on time till date. Uday also
told me "Don't tell anyone else Baba (guys with year back) will beat us.".And it
became best kept secret of our batch. Uday manipulated the process in interest
of batch in general and BIT in particular. So he has same contribution as
director in correcting session. He never taken any credit for that.”
64. Message posted on FB Friday, November 4, 2016 at 2:48am UTC+05:30
“Good Morning. Do we need a new political party in India? or is there an
alternative?Your thoughts?”
Note : One of well wisher indirectly told that Narendra Modi
and Advani are in same boat and power has corrupted them.Only choice for India
is Nitish Kumar.
65. Posted on twitter
@NitishKumar You will
be next Patel.sir.”
66. Posted on twitter
should attend it.Create a national level
http://allliance.You have my blessings.
67. Posted on twitter, message was intended for Nitish kumar.
“Sir, whatever you need is available.Find more about me.”
68. Posted on twitter,message intended for Trump.
“After wikileaks leaks, My Predication is that
@realDonaldTrump would be
next President.
@realDonaldTrump sir,
finish your campaign wisely.”
69.Posted on twitter message was intended for Trump
“ Sir, you have my blessings.Whatever you need is available.Find more about
70. Posted on twitter and FB.
“ A very bad step by Modi government
71. I posted on FB which got cached on twitter as well.
“Every one
NOTE : This was like second nuke blast and conspirators
became dumbfounded.
72. After that Chetan Bhagat retwitted following with comment.
His comment was “:) u got it”
original tweet which he retwitted : “I googled the meaning
of Brijesh,
@chetan_bhagat sir!
The ending is not foggy anymore.”
Note : It was for sure that Chetan Bhagat was reading my FB and twitter
posts. Read post number 53 and it would be clear with similar tone of words,
Chetan does know me.
73. Posted on Facebook and Twitter – Someone has deleted message from FB
“I have been poisoned “
Background My food was poisoned and it was slow
poison. I started feeling dizzy and senses were getting slow.Reason for
poisoning was message number 71. Julian Assange did tell everything in interview
but since I have a very large number of lurkers on FB and twitter pages. I was
poisoned so that I could not have damaged chances of Hillary Clinton to become
President of USA. Number of people who read my FB and twitter are in millions. I
successfully vomited poison with food twice and I survived.
74. Posted on FB and twitter as I thought I would not survive.
“all the best,world.”
75. I was not afraid of death but was happy that I have taken revenge against
CIA and some politicians. SO I used bad word intended for conspirators
“all said and done. "Don't tech your father how to f**k your mother"”
76.” Posted on FB and twitter
“ Retiring for today. Whole world will change by morning.Good night.”
Aftermath : I successfully relay the message of Julian
Assange to everyone who were reading my post. So I should also get some credit
for educating a few million American voter and against all odds Trump defeated
On 5th of November 2016, I was admitted in CIP Ranchi, it was forced
hospitalization.I did stay in CIP ranchi and Param mitra sadan for almost 8-9
months.They misused father for admissions because he is the weak link.